مقالات وأراء

The attacker takes on the role of the victim

2024 آذار 25
مقالات وأراء

#Al Thaer

Irena Hago

For more than 2 years the Ukrainian state has been experiencing terrorism on a daily basis. Terrorism that is a million times greater than the tragedy in the Russian Crocus City Hall, such tragedies that Russia commits every day, launching hundreds of missiles and drones that wipe out entire cities.

But it is even more cynical to accuse Ukraine of organizing this terrible act. Ukraine is not Russia, Ukraine is defeating its insidious enemy on the battlefield. In the history of Russia, it was during Putin's reign that the following occurred: explosions in houses on Kashirskoye Highway in Moscow and Buinaksk in 1999, North East in 2002, Beslan in 2004, a terrorist attack in the Moscow metro in 2010, Domodedovo Airport in 2011, and so on.

Putin's regime has proven incapable of protecting its own citizens, even when warnings are issued by embassies of other countries and intelligence services pass sensitive information through closed channels. The Kremlin leader calls this "domestic destabilization and intimidation. All Russian law enforcement agencies showed their helplessness: FSB, SVR, and the interior ministry. These services are excellent at identifying teachers, journalists, and students for "discrediting the Russian army," but in fact for speaking out against the war. But they cannot prevent a terrorist attack. Or these services are the scriptwriters of such tragedies. After all, Putin needs an intimidated, controlled crowd to continue his "presidency" and a new wave of mobilization for war.

No less cynical and caricatured is the way the aggressor country, the terrorist country, accepts sympathy, wears the mask of a victim and speculates on the deaths of its own citizens for profit, while continuing to terrorize Ukraine with missile strikes.

We are witnessing the theater of the absurd that Russia is promoting through propaganda, and everyone has a choice not to become an actor, because this is an ideal opportunity for Russia to divert attention from the war against Ukraine and to play the role of the victim - this tragedy is best suited for that.

The article expresses the opinion of its author only and does not oblige "Al Thaer" to anything

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